Sharabh Tantra Yoga – 300hr – Advanced

Teacher Training Course & Initiation – Yoga Alliance Certified

Sharabh Yog is a system of Yoga and Kriya that has been transmitted through our lineage. It is an authentic and advanced system of Indian Yoga. From the actual participation in this teacher training course the nadis and chakra system can be cleared at a very deep level so that the teachers are authentically avle to transmit to others the teachings from their own embodiment of the practice.

 This Sharabh Tantra Yoga TTC is for more experienced practitioners or teachers who already have knowledge on how to practice asana safely in their own body, and is directed towards those who have a deeper sense of the spirituality of Yoga. An initial 50hrs online study gives you an insight into the style of Yoga, and will help you to develop depth in your practice of Asana. The online study is purely fro deepening into your practice and is not material to be used for teaching. This online study can be joined anytime, and as well as being an independent course. Then for those wishing to take the full initiation it serves as part of the overall 300hr Yoga & Tantra teacher training.

To complete the 300hr teacher training you are further invited to join us at the Shivoham Tantra ashram from 19th December 2024 to 15th January 2025. Where you will take part in a Kriya Initiation process to help activate your subtle body, this naturally prepares you from teaching the system of yoga


Course Outline 

Online Study

  Ability to start your course online now

 The initial 50 hrs online Sharabh Yog study teaches you the application of the Bija Mantras in Yog asana.

 Includes monthly live meetings for questions and support with Radasi and Yorgos

 Study in depth and progressive Pranayama, tailored for the individual development of each person.

 Study key Meditations from the Vignan Bhairav Tantra, to create diversity in your practice and knowledge of meditation.


At the Ashram 

 Complete your 300hr Certified Yoga Teacher Training at  Shivoham Tantra in India

 Study the science of Swara Yog, Sun Tratak and Yagna {Fire Ceremony}

 Immerse in the daily ashram life, with temple service and devotion

 Experience and progress in traditional mantra sadhana and witness the practice of Yantra sadhana.

 Experience a system of over 100 Tantric Kriyas, that are used in the initiation process along with external herbs.

 Commit to 4 month daily mantra meditation after the course ends, to integrate the Initiation

 Optional opportunity to participate in a 18 month integration period to then be able to teach these unique Kriyas


For more information email on 

[email protected]

The Teachers

Ra Lalita Dasi and Yorgos Mazarakis

The teachers of Sharabh Yog are direct disciples of Guruji Maharaj, and have been entrusted to preserve and initiate others into Sharabh Yog. They both met in the ashram in 2017 and under the guidance of Guruji they were married whilst receiving the diksha for Sharabh Yog. 

Radasi is one of the 64 disciples of the lineage and her life is dedicated to preserving and teaching the traditional tantra, she has further been involved in Yoga & Tantra teaching training courses for over 13 years.Yorgos has been a meditation practitioner since the age of 17 years old, his roots began in the Gnostics Christianity. He now serves as a guide for others in Meditation and Tantra

Together they run the Satya Loka Centre of Yoga and Traditional Tantra.

Guruji and GuruMa

Guruji Maharaj serves as a Tantric Master and Spiritual Guide to hundreds of disciples that have had the fortune to meet him and take initiation into Tantric Mantra Sadhana. He is the Guru of the Sri Bhairavanand lineage and has 64 successors to the lineage.

Together Guruji and GuruMa  serve countless disciples as a united family until along with their beloved son Sharabh.

In 2015, under the guidance of his Guru Bhairavananda, Guruji built the Rajrajeswari Shiva Temple. This temple is located within his Ashram – Sharabh Ashram in Parsodi village near his birthplace of Saoner, Nagpur. The ashram offers these rare teachings under the name Shivoham Tantra.

“I had the chance to be part of the first edition of the Sharabh Tantra Yog teacher training led by Radasi and Yorgos. It has been an amazing journey in so many ways… This program really challenges you to go deeper and deeper, to let go of any identifications or ideas that you might have about yourself and to reconnect with your Divine nature.

On a personal level, it helped me to recognize my strengths and to surrender and embrace everything that comes. Sharabh Yog is for all those who aspire to deepen their yoga experience and to expand their knowledge on Kundalini practices and the Chakra system.

The course itself is an intense and transformative experience. I think it’s important that you arrive with an open mind and heart because this will allow you to really experience the teachings at the deepest level and find out the treasures for yourself.”

Laura Serghiescu, Romania, 2020

After attending the course I had a greater understanding of traditional tantra and yogic practices. I was able to teach in a more thorough way adding on my deeper understanding of the practices and weaving them into my teachings to my students. My own sadhana went deeper with the integration of the practices too. The continued support from both Radasi & yorgos after the course through their offerings are a real support and what I always knew this is what being in a lineage really meant.

Being in the presence of Guruji and his energy  creates a certain energy that I can only explain as tantra. Being in a traditional tantric ashram in India really helps to go into a calm and focused state which is needed to practice tantra yog. Radasi teaches the techniques in an easy and digestible way to understand and really cares for the safety of her students. Yorgos has years of meditation practice experience and his energy is felt in his teachings making yoga nidra and meditation understood through practicing with him. The atmosphere  feels like a family at the ashram and I couldn’t feel more blessed to be  part of the Sharabh Yog lineage. If you are really serious about going deeper into these practices have an open mind

Hollie Wakeham, U.K, 2020

Before joining the Sharabh Yoga TTC i have to say i was struggling with part of my identity, i suffered a lot in relationships that make me feel not in my power, and i was concerned of how my life would grow without addressing this issue. I had a feeling of not knowing where my life was going, or where to direct my path and where to find support when it was needed.

I have to say that since taking this TTC i now have undeniable Trust, Acceptance and Surrender to the process. I still remember when I was in the ashram temple and I asked Lord Shiva to remove everything that did not serve me to be a good man. And now my life has completely changed!

I have learned to be myself and accept the nature of life, my presence, my mind and my heart are aligned with my purpose, Integrity and direction. I’m very grateful of Radasi & Yorgos, Guruji & GuruMa. They are perfect balance to bring this tantric sacred tradition from the source.

Radasi is a great teacher full embodiment of the feminine with so much devotion & knowledge. Her teaching are so precise and clear, and Yorgos is amazing, his presence and his teachings make me feel that this is the healthy masculinity that I want to bring with me,and I have always felt very supported by him.

Herman Saiz, Chile