KALAGNI – Divine Mantra Healing
Empowerment and Training with Guruji Maharaj
Using the mystical technologies of traditional tantra, participants will be empowered to enhance their healing abilities using secret mantras as well as be able to protect themselves from taking on any negative energies from their clients.
Admission requirements
This program is open to healers (professional and aspiring) who work directly with the human mind, body, or spirit where energy is exchanged via healing modalities.
For example: Bodyworkers and Energy Healers; Yoga and Meditation Teachers; Therapists and Social Workers; Astrologers and Clairvoyants
Upon signup, participants should begin daily mantra sadhana in order to prepare their kundalini for “ subtle body scan” as well as to ensure their system has the capacity to handle the energy demands of the intensive training. Commitment is 1 hour per day. Ideally for 2 months at least. The longer the better.
Note: For those who have already completed intensive sadhana with Shivoham or Kalagni (minimum level 3 / Kundalini Mantra) the preparation mantra is optional. It should also be noted that major Shivoham group processes such as Samadhi, Chakrapani, and Shoolpani kriyas all work on the soul level towards liberation. The Kalangi healing empowerment is a more practical application to be utilized primarily in this lifetime and is entirely complimentary to the intensive kriya processes.
Please contact: soulscience108@gmail.com for current payment terms
What to expect: Online preparation
Introduction and personal meetings
3 part preparation sadhana beginning with initial purification with Astrological mantra/s.
What to expect: Ashram intensive
Subtle Body Scan
Creation of Living Yantra and Rice Yantra
11 days Healing Empowerment
11 Yagnas
5 Initiations
2 Nadi Shodhan treatments
3 Sanskar treatments
3 Kriyas
5 Q+A
Marjan, Tarpan, Abhishek, Guru Puja
-Increase power in healing practice
-Heal or support sick people
-Self protection
-Evil eye for babies
-Distance healing
-Mantra healing for specific chakras
-How to calm Kundalini
-Making protection gadgets
-Protection Astra
-Astrology reading / ring
-Sri Yantra empowered by Guruji